
Welcome to the Occult Club

My name is Grey. Nice to meet you. I'm still learning html so please expect this site to take awhile. I'm also new to neocities and I'm excited to meet new people and find creative art projects to share with my friends.

I made this site as apart of my PTSD recovery. In 2020 I went through a truamatic event that left me with dissociative amnesia and I came out of that amnesia in late october this year (2024). In my ptsd episode I lost who I was and forgot about the things I like. So as apart of my treatment plan I am creating this website to fill with things that I like. And I remember now, that I LOVE the occult!

Thank you for visitng my site!

What is the Occult Club?

Here you will find a mix of things related to the occult and things that I just liek to add (ex: Games, Music, Videos, Comics, Stories, Libraries, Etc). For me I approach the occult with a mind of psychology and anthropology. Most of all things we consider occult are tied to old supersticious beliefs and religons. Its a way to cope with nature itself and the dark side of human life. The ways that humans have found healing in rituals and spells and name their fears as ghosts and demons is insanly interesting to me.

Personal projects to look forward to!

Here is a list of projects half related to the occult club. The only relation is that they are from me! The occult club leader B).